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24/7 Victim Support Line

Because no one should stand alone.


Safety Planning

Safety planning is an active process where each safety plan created requires ongoing review and revision as situations and risks influencing your or your children’s safety can change.


The Victim Quick Response Program - VQRP

VQRP offers timely financial compensation to victims of the most violent crimes who have no other financial means to access the help they need for emergency expenses, funeral expenses and counselling.


The Mobile Emergency Response System - MERS

MERS is a private-public sector alliance involving Victim Services Agencies (Members of the Ontario Network of Victim Service Providers) and the GPS Service Provider.


Benevolent Fund

This fund aims to provide a coordinated effort between service providers and Ministerial groups to assist individuals struggling with poverty while addressing sustainability and accountability. Victim Services will address financial needs that exceed provincial funding mandates or maximums and coordinate with other social services to advocate for sustainable change. This service is meant to be a “Hand Up.”


Emergency Accommodation 

Victim Services endeavours to coordinate a one-night stay for individuals and families who need emergency accommodation. The clients are followed up by Health Social Services & Housing Advocate for longer-term housing solutions. The clients are referred mainly by the Police.